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What to Do During Your First Year With Medicare

Fill out an Authorization Form if you want your family or friends to call Medicare on your behalf. Medicare can't give personal health information about you to anyone unless you give permission in writing first.


Make a "Welcome to Medicare" Preventive Visit appointment with your doctor during the first 12 months you have Medicare. This free, one-time comprehensive "Welcome to Medicare" preventive visit puts you in control of your health and your Medicare from the start.


Sign up for, the secure online service where you can access your personal Medicare information 24 hours a day, every day. You can:


Learn what Medicare covers. You’ll get a list of tests, items, and services that are covered no matter where you live. If your test, item, or service isn’t listed, talk to your doctor or other healthcare provider about why you need certain tests, items, or services, and ask if Medicare will cover them.
And, don’t forget to give us a call with your questions.


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And, don’t forget to give us a call with your questions.